May 2010 Skyline Flyer
Signups start on the meeting of May 3rd, and Mr. Lozano will be leading the hike. Please open the flyer for more information.
Elections, this Monday, May 3rd
This Monday scouts will be voting for the following positions:
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Chaplin’s Aid
Quarter Master
Senior Patrol Leader
For detail information, please see the following Leadership Information page
T54 Leadership
For more information on the selection process, please review the following PowerPoint document:
How to Add Video and Pictures to a WordPress Post
Here’s a video tutorial on how to add videos or pictures to your post,
Full screen is best as window is a bit small –
Happy uploading!
Add the Troop Calendar to your IPhone
Get Connected
Our Troop calendar is a standard Gmail Calendar and allows most several options for connecting directly to it for tracking activities and overlapping it with their personal or work calendars. Obviously this comes in handy for us parents as much as the scouts. Here are some ways to stay connected.
Via your Iphone:
The IPhone allows you to add additional calendars to view on the phone. Basically the phone takes the Pack calendar and displays it two ways on your IPhone. Either by just viewing the Pack calendar or by viewing the Pack calendar over your personal calendar on your phone. You can change the way the calendar is viewed at anytime very easily. This DOES NOT modify your calendars on the phone in any way. To add the Troop calendar to your IPhone follow the steps below.
1. On your IPhone go into the Settings button. Then select “Add account.”
2. You will be given a list of different types of accounts you can add, such as Microsoft Exchange, Gmail, etc. At the bottom select “Other.” The next menu will have sections titled Mail, Contacts, and Calendars. In the calendar section select “Add Subscribed Calendars.” The next screen you see will have a prompt “Server” and in light grey you’ll see “”
3. In the prompt copy the following text EXACTLY as it’s shown.
For the Troop 54 Calendar use:
4. Select next and follow the prompts. Your phone will search the web and connect to the calendar. And you’re done!
Knots & Lashings
While I was on ITunes looking around I found an IPhone app I thought was pretty interesting. It’s called Knot Guide: Scout Knots. Basically it’s a reference source you can carry on your IPhone that lists lashings in addition to knots. I took the chance and downloaded it for $0.99 and was happy with it. If your so inclined you can carry a piece of string in your pocket along with this app and an Ipod Touch, or IPhone you scouts can practice while out and about. I just thought I’d pass on this information.
Merit Badge Day June 5th in Fullerton Ca.
Scouts we have another chance to earn some more merit badges Yaaaaaa! At Please check it out before troop meeting on Monday so you can check out a book at the meeting or have parent buy one at scout shop. Remember you have one month and a half to work on two merit badges. Mrs. Salazar
Flying Eagles Club / Aviation Merit Badge
I know I’ve already talked to several people about trying to get a group together for pursuing the Aviation Merit Badge and/or just having an opportunity to get a ride in a private plane. Well as those of you whom I’ve already spoken to know. The next event is Saturday May 15th, and that day is already booked. So I sent out an email for additional information and here is the latest update as of 5 minutes ago.
There is another Young Eagles day on Saturday July 10th. I will be sending out an email to see if there may be more interest in going that day. Also, in the mean time I’ve requested to be contacted by the pilots involved who are merit badge counselors so that I can get more details. I will post additional information as it is available. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Safety Merit Badge mrs. salazar
Scouts who signed up for Safety, we will meet before meetings on monday at 6:30 until we are done with all requirements. please be on time,have your books read and your work sheet filled out,pen or pencil. Parent make sure your scouts read and have filled out the worksheet.A Scout is always prepared. I have opening for 4 more scouts if you wish to attend.( pre- pared that is) thks! Mrs. Salazar