As a relatively new member to the troop, been thinking about features that could be added to the website that would fill in gaps or serve additional need.
Recommendations are:

– New Scout section:  A place where new scouts and parents go to get the ‘New Scout Checklist’ (need to create one) which would include uniform requirements, listing and attachment of all required forms, a list of items to purchase in the first 30 – 60 days, specific greeter name/contact (we need to create one) that can answer any and all of their questions, a powerpoint presentation (need to create one) that gives them guidance, direction and steps on getting ‘ramped up’, including code of conduct, appropriate uniform dress, information regarding levels, merit badge process, etc, etc, etc.

A greeter should be named that is available during Monday meetings to meet new scouts and parents, reviews the powerpoint and assists in getting the new family’s footing with the troop.

– Contact section:

A table that lists merit badges, the associated counselor and their contact information.

A table that lists special contact names, their areas of responsibility and their contact information (insurance forms, uniform, committee members and their purpose, etc).  Not sure where to go based on different questions or procedural requirements.

Contact tables and lists could also include a picture of the person, to help quickly id people we need to work with during Monday meetings.

– Merit badge support area:

Seems like we could post progress for each scout so parents can remotely view what has been officially recorded. Same for scout levels.

If implemented within the context of a database, the database could generate reports on how many scouts are taking specific merit badges and which specific requirements have not been completed.  Knowing where many scouts are ‘stuck’ or incomplete in certain activities, the reports could provide pre-meeting support in order to facilitate their progress.

What scouts are actively pursuing which merit badges?  May drive visibility across the scouts so they could partner up with those pursuing same activities.

The scouts could use the site to request specific support to be scheduled on a Monday evening meeting (need to raise the flag?  need to set up a stove? send in your request and will be considered for upcoming meeting).

Scout needs specific assistance (visit the courthouse? visit a post office?)?  Post a request and scout parents may be able to set up access based on their network/relationships.

Wanted to throw these out as recommendations.  Appreciate any feedback and additional ideas to share.

I know the web designer is always open to new ideas and areas of improvement.


Categories: Other


Kenny Binnings · May 17, 2010 at 3:53 am

Also, Monday Meeting Scout Leader could post the agenda a week in advance so that scouts can prepare in advance (covering a specific function for a merit badge, specific activities that will be covered, pre-meeting topics, etc, etc)
Would be good to get them in this habit for organizational development and for the scout audience to learn preparing in advance for meeting items.

MichelleVermilye · May 28, 2010 at 5:27 pm

I like the idea of an agenda one week in advance. Kenny, I think posting merit badge counselors etc. on website is great. I know that Mrs. Herrera took pictures of Advancement Coaches to help the scouts identify those adult leaders. Maybe this can also be done with the merit badge counselors. GREAT IDEAS!Michelle

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